Sunday, October 17, 2010

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds create a place where users can go to interact in a specific environment. Beyond games, they create a “new world” for users to live and interact in. In these fantasy worlds, users can create their own perceived images and experiences for other to share in.

One of the virtual worlds is Second Life, a 3D world on the internet. This virtual world program can be used as a training tool in hospitals, as an informational tool in hotels, and can help the autistic to learn to socialize. As opposed to Facebook and twitter, virtual worlds allow users to interact fully immerse in an environment. You can virtually sit and have a conversation with someone in effect, face to face.

The benefits of virtual worlds is that it can give individuals a better understanding and knowledge of the world. It offers training, learning and interaction in a realistic way. In the medical world, virtual worlds can depict and aid in the patient-doctor relationship. It can also help learning certain tasks and techniques with a virtual hands on experience. It can also act as a different way of teaching children that can add another dimension beyond reading and writing. It can be a tool to help teens through their virtual trial and errors and help them make better choices in the real world. Companies can also use virtual worlds for networking and promoting ideas and products. Virtual worlds are be the visual tool that individuals use for ideas and inventions.

The cons to virtual world are similar to the movie depicted by Bruce Willis in Surrogates, where the real people are staying at home, while their doubles lead their lives. The concern would be that individuals would put more emphasis in their virtual world than their real ones. As stated in “I’ve Been to That Club, Just Not Real Life”, rather than experience the Club and music in real life, the author goes back to his computer and experiences it through the virtual world. There is also the affect that virtual worlds have on interpersonal relationships and the undermining of basic human values in children. The virtual world is essentially fantasy and does not promote basic values such as truth, equality and compassion. Also, as in real life, it can attract predators and potential con artists using this new world for their benefit.

Virtual world adds a new dimension of freedom of expression and allows users to explore worlds and opportunities that real life society and norms may confine them. By exploring new adventures and avenues, virtual worlds can allow users to be and act in a new way that opens up possibilities and gives them ideas for their future.

The future of virtual worlds could potentially take over the current dynamics of the teaching world. Students could potentially work and learn in their virtual classrooms without leaving the home. Employers could bring employees from all over the globe together into a virtual setting to hold meetings and conferences.

The possibilities that virtual worlds can bring to our real world is exciting, and potentially enlightening and also a little daunting at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Virtual world such as Second Life is popular game nowadays. It brings many benefits to society. As the examples that you point out, it has been adopted in different areas, including education and business fields. however, there are also some negative effects occur. For example there are all of the sex, porn, drug and suicide that can occur in virtual world, because for the things that people cannot really do in the real world, they might want to get satisfy in virtual world. There are also cyber crimes can occur in virtual world like many other online services.
