Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Next New Thing

The next new thing in new media, could be the cyber interaction between a doctor and patient.

Through Skype, doctors could talk to patients about their ailments with the patients leaving their homes. This type of new media would be best for elderly patients who have problems leaving their homes. This is also useful for patients who need routine follow up visits.

For doctors, this would be a way to give them more time to care for patients who are very sick.

Patients would simply schedule an appointment over skype, discuss their issues the doctor and it would save them a trip to the doctor's office.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Class Wiki - So Far

As my class Wiki, I am researching the E-Patient revolution. This new movement has moved society away for the doctor patient relationship. It allows patients to gain more responsibility for their health. Through social media, patients are able to quick answers by doing research online versus relying on the doctors for answers. This new revolution takes the main focus off of doctors and their pratices and lets patients investigate and solve some minor issues on their own.

In a sense, patients become their own authority or doctors.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Future of Old Media

My paper focuses on the future of old media, using articles and research papers that predict its demise. I also used columns and blogs that gave opinions about their belief on its survival. I also found data that delves into the "newsworthiness" of new media and other sources of new media vs. traditional media. I researched what makes up the foundation of journalism of the old media and what the impact of the internet has on it. Also I found research of the "credibility " in new media vs. old media. I found informaton on the history of "media" and learned of its evolution and what the possible future holds for it.

I discovered that the future of old media is controversial and experts have conflicting opinions on it.

I choose this topic because of my curiousity of Old Media's future.
My findings was that, where some differ in their beliefs, old media needs to evolve to stay alive and that new media will be strengthened by using by traditional aspects of old media.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Privacy & Confidentiality

With our new media today, privacy seems to be a thing of the past. Information on individuals are easily accessed through facebook, twitter or myspace as well as other internet and online services.

As stated in the Los Angeles Times Article "On the Media: Social Media in the Spotlight", with new media, we have evolved to a more open society. The article poses the question about boundaries and cites an example about college students who exposed a gay student on an online video, and the student took his life because of it. This is of course an extreme case, but is an example of the risks of invading one's privacy.

In looking at social media, data is posted that can reveal very private information on one's relationship or working status. Even though tougher privacy controls have been put in place, third parties still have the ability to access confidential information. There are also been issues relating to identity theft. Facebook has received a lot of slack of late about their privacy controls. They have listened to their customers and have made some changes to protect them. But Facebook is not the only media source that has privacy issues, many consumer internet and media industries have also been faced with this controversy.

Also retailers, in an effort to increase their customer lists, have turned to social media to do so. Some retailers have used smartphones apps, in store wiki and geolocation to reach out to customers. Any of these types of communication raises concern for the consumers' privacy. Retailers must have an understanding about privacy rights and build that into their framework.

Whereas using new media tools are appealing, compelling, and innovative, failing to understand the practice of basic privacy consideration can be costly and dangerous. Although there are serious risks on posting personal information, many continue to do so. These sites can provide a tool for connecting with family and friends near and far; however users should be careful on what they post and what they show in their private world.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Baruch - Advise for Improvements

As an adviser to Baruch college, I have some ideas to help improve the college using new media technology. Currently Baruch uses traditional email and blackboard postings to communicate to students. In an effort to improve communication and enhance the knowledge and technology of Baruch, I suggest implementing a type of skype / virtual program.

This tool could be used for many purposes. It can be used for students to have meetings or participate in a class from anywhere in the world. It can help students get to know each other through face to face contact and allow them to be studing together through skype without leaving their homes. It can also be used to provide one on one access or give a group access to view and particpate in class lecture.

This skype tool would also have an animated operator, like the kind you find on certain website that gives you live access to get answers to any questions you may have. Simply go onto the Baruch website and ask for a live operator and one will appear to answer your questions or direct you to the proper location to find what you need. This could be used to use library research or general questions. These animated operators can also provide confidential information exclusive to the student.

This type of skype/virtual tool would be a combination of a virtual world that allows the student to see the school in a virtual way. This skype virtual world can help the student experience the school and help them to undertstand what to anticipate prior to starting classes. They would be able to see the different facilities and through the virtual world interact with the school's surroundings. The virtual world could aid students with demonstrations of a listing of "how tos". From how to get your student id to how to find your classroom to how to pay your tuition.

This type of skype program would be benefit the students by providing the latest information at their fingertips. It is also helpful to the school itself by providing this type of access for students, frees up the facility to focus on other areas.

This skype/virtual tool could be accessed for any devices such as blackberry, iphone or pc.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Twitter Discussion

Twitter is a great way to experience information and have discussions real time. Twitter provides information in an instant compared to BB discussion or class discussion. Twitter can be used as an uninhibited thought process or stream of consciousness that lets users express their ideas and thoughts freely. As opposed to BB and in class discussions which are more censored and contrived to the audience.

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds create a place where users can go to interact in a specific environment. Beyond games, they create a “new world” for users to live and interact in. In these fantasy worlds, users can create their own perceived images and experiences for other to share in.

One of the virtual worlds is Second Life, a 3D world on the internet. This virtual world program can be used as a training tool in hospitals, as an informational tool in hotels, and can help the autistic to learn to socialize. As opposed to Facebook and twitter, virtual worlds allow users to interact fully immerse in an environment. You can virtually sit and have a conversation with someone in effect, face to face.

The benefits of virtual worlds is that it can give individuals a better understanding and knowledge of the world. It offers training, learning and interaction in a realistic way. In the medical world, virtual worlds can depict and aid in the patient-doctor relationship. It can also help learning certain tasks and techniques with a virtual hands on experience. It can also act as a different way of teaching children that can add another dimension beyond reading and writing. It can be a tool to help teens through their virtual trial and errors and help them make better choices in the real world. Companies can also use virtual worlds for networking and promoting ideas and products. Virtual worlds are be the visual tool that individuals use for ideas and inventions.

The cons to virtual world are similar to the movie depicted by Bruce Willis in Surrogates, where the real people are staying at home, while their doubles lead their lives. The concern would be that individuals would put more emphasis in their virtual world than their real ones. As stated in “I’ve Been to That Club, Just Not Real Life”, rather than experience the Club and music in real life, the author goes back to his computer and experiences it through the virtual world. There is also the affect that virtual worlds have on interpersonal relationships and the undermining of basic human values in children. The virtual world is essentially fantasy and does not promote basic values such as truth, equality and compassion. Also, as in real life, it can attract predators and potential con artists using this new world for their benefit.

Virtual world adds a new dimension of freedom of expression and allows users to explore worlds and opportunities that real life society and norms may confine them. By exploring new adventures and avenues, virtual worlds can allow users to be and act in a new way that opens up possibilities and gives them ideas for their future.

The future of virtual worlds could potentially take over the current dynamics of the teaching world. Students could potentially work and learn in their virtual classrooms without leaving the home. Employers could bring employees from all over the globe together into a virtual setting to hold meetings and conferences.

The possibilities that virtual worlds can bring to our real world is exciting, and potentially enlightening and also a little daunting at the same time.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Social Networking

Social networking is a way an individual can grow their social and business contacts by connecting with individuals. Some social networking sites that provide these connections are twitter, facebook, linkedin and myspace. These sites bring people together by communicating ideas, thoughts or information on activities, events or to join specific groups or topics.

In today’s corporate world, these types of social technologies can be used as a marketing tool to promote a brand, bring awareness to a particular product or to introduce a company to the world. Social networking is also used for socializing, and developing relationships and forming groups

As discussed in,"Tweeting Your Way to A Job", twitter can be used by individuals as a promotional devise to endorse themselves to potential clients or organizations for a position within their company. Some companies use twitter as a type of customer service tool helping to solve issues that customers have. Also, in "AT&T uses Twitter During Service Outage", AT&T used twitter as a customer information resource to keep their customers informed and updated during the service crises. As mentioned in "What Are You Doing? "Media Twitters Can't Stop Typing", some feel that twitter can be used as a worthy news source. Some people feel that twitter can provide the breaking news and is a good source of valid communication.

The benefits of social networking is that it provides information instantaneously. From breaking news to the latest videos, social networking keeps individuals updated and informed. You can pick any topic and see the exposure it can provide. In "Getting the Most Out of Twitter", it states that a large number of posts and retweets provide links showing that it is a popular way of spreading news and brings topics to forefront. Another benefit of social networking is ability to get all the updates and information on a business conference without paying all the money to attend it. Through twitter, people can be updated on all the specifics of the conferences and the speaches from speakers. Social networking is also a way to connect with friends and family and keep people in touch socially.

The dark side can be that overtweeting can be a negative thing. It can annoy customers with overexposure and potentially take away from your brand or company promotions. Also, if you are using twitter or facebook as a customer service tool, one bad tweet from a customer, could hurt a company and put them at the mercy of the customer. Another dark side of social networking is that it can expose information on an individual and delve into their privacy. It can give scammers and stalkers, every detail on an individuals comings and goings. Also, depending on the information and photos an individual posts, can lead to career suicide.

In the future, social networking could evolve to be a valid source that would provide resources on emergency situations, such as evacations or information on potential natural disasters real time. Also, social networking, if streamlined and used appropriately, could be used for voting. People could cast their polictical votes right from their computers or ipads as opposed to go to the ballots.

"Tweeting Your Way to a Job," by Laura M. Holson, The New York Times, May 20, 2009. Available from

"AT&T uses Twitter during service outage" by Marguerite Reardon, cnet News, April 9, 2009. Available at:

What Are You Doing? Media Twitterers Can’t Stop Typing" by Alessandra Stanley, The New York Times, February 28, 2009, p. C1.

Getting the Most Out of Twitter By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER, The New York Times, March 4, 2010, p. B5. Available at:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Check Out Social Networking Sites

In comparing some popular social medias, I looked at facebook, myspace, friendster and linkedin.

All of these social medias provide a social connection, but the connections can be different based on the desired outcome.

Facebook is a social tool that helps you connect with old friends, keep in touch with your current ones and basically socialize. You can show photos of your vacation, your new baby and invite your friends into your world without a phone call. This is a way to connect and stay up to date with those you want to stay connected to. This site opens up your world to the public and shares personal information to all who you choose to be your friend. The functionality of this site is to add friends and groups and have them exposed to your notifications you post.

Myspace goes beyond the social connection. It keeps you connected to current events in the media. It has the feel of a social magazine with the latest in movies, tv and music. Like Facebook, it connects you to friends, but it also keeps you up to date with the hollywood gossip.
It posts the latest in music videos and clips of the latest tv shows and music like twitter, invites followers and comments. To compete with Facebook, Myspace has redesigned its website to look more like facebook but added additional functions to try to keep up with facebook's growing popularity.

Friendster has a different element that the other two media tools, in that as well as connecting finding friends, it posts free classified ads, like craigslist that offers ad categories to choose from. They offer listings that includes 20 different states, that you can find information on buying a car, renting an apartment and finding a babysitter. In searching for friends, it offers different avenues to search from, such as through a particular school or group.

Linkedin is a social network site that is used for business purposes. This is a site connects individuals looking for employment or it can be a tool used to get answers to business questions. This professional network keeps individuals connected in the business world. Individual profiles depict resumes and accomplishments. You stay connected to keep up to date on the current events in your field and your industry. Companies join this site and post profile telling about their firm, employees and career opportunities. Individual connect, to socialize, but also for business purposes. The people you connect with on this site are former colleagues, groups, and potential recruiters.

The common thread in all of these sites is the desire to connect. These sites provide socialization, entertainment, information and business opportunities.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Blogs vs. Wikis

In comparing and contrasting these two social media tools, you must first look at what they do.

A Blog is a tool where individual users provide their opinions in a form of a stream of consciousness. The users share their ideas and thoughts on many different topics. This tool can be commmented on by others, but it cannot be edited. It can be conversational and helpful and is made to be the view and opinions of an individual.

A Wiki is a website that users post facts and answers. This tool is used to obtain informative facts and the information can be edited by different users. The word wiki means quick, and this tool provides quick information on current events, or any other source of information. A source of wiki is the Wikipedia. This is a tool which provides encycopedia facts and links up with Google and Yahoo.

In comparing Blogs to Wikis, Blogs are used by individuals who want to share their experiences and opinions. Other bloggers use this tool to provide tips and advise based on their personal perspectives and exposures. Wikis on the other hand can be modified by any user and updated at any time. It is a tool that is more factfinding based and can be used in a corporate environment to share agendas, and meeting notes. It is a website where communities and special interest groups can update useful information. One of the differences between a Blog and Wiki, is that Blogs are like reading someone's journal. It feels personal and the conversation aspect can feel like you are talking to your neighbor or sharing tips with your train buddy. Wikis, on the contrast, are pieces of collective information that is used to provide a distinct objective. It strives to provide facts and information that, if streamlined and controlled is more of an answering tool versus an opinion tool. However, in comparison, both sites provide information and are both social tools that give users a voice to be heard. They are a social software that considered new media tools that provide quick sources of data.

The importance of convergence in today's networked world is about the speed of knowledge. The "Wikiblogs" can combine facts with opinions, similar to a site like Tripadvisor. The users are provided with factual information and then are given the opinions and rating of the travelers in their own words. The information you receive is based on experience, like a Blog, with factual information, like a Wiki and they are meshed together for a product of that offers facts, tips and advise. Bringing these two tools together can also bring another type of voice to new media. One that find the facts and provides the comments and criticism that goes with it.

You can collaborate blogs and pool together collective opinions on one site that can give voices on a specific topic. Like the celebrity blogs, you pool together opinions on one topic. In the article
Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid
these bloggers on the website, collectively discussed and clearly advised the readers where drug dealers were. This group collaborated to take action against crime. Also in the Walmart article,
Wal-mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blogs
shoppers of Walmart formed a collaborate blog to discuss their true feelings versus that blog that Walmart themselves.

A new use of Wikis could be to promote a brand or product. If a company wants to launch a newly developed product. They could start a wiki that provides information on what the product does and give details pertaining to its origin and development. Wiki could also be used to learn about candidates running in a political race. Giving information on the candidate, his issues, the current debates and having users comment about their opinions.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Future of Old Media

What is the future of Old Media? In the last number of years, the progression of New Media is slowly making Old Media obsolete. What does that mean for these industries? What will become of TV, Radio and Newspapers? Will we be receiving educated and researched points of view on events? Will we receive our information from a Democratization process? Will new media use lead to a widening knowledge gap?

Define New Media

New Media is the 20th century terminology that encompasses on-demand access through digital applications to transfer information potentially to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Some examples of new media technologies are Youtube, Ipods, podcasts, blogs, DVD-HD-blueray, Ipads, digital books such as kindle, social networking such as facebook, and search engines such as google. New media provides the ability for the consumer to choose how they receive their information and how they interact with it.

Distinquishing new media from old media basically deals with speed to accessibility and it's interactive capability in real time. Old media technology is newspapers, local television news and radio. New media is digital while old media is physical. New media relays events as they occur, while old media gives a point of view or opinion based on an interpretation.

In the article, "The Medium - Art of Faith" it discusses the conventional magazines versus the digital E-zines. It looks at opposing views of the printed version to the digital version.

The "Podcasts, A New Twist on Net Audio" article delves into the future of this new audio technology as exciting and compares it to the latest feature of television technology, Tivo.

The "Who needs a TV? I Got A Laptop" article from the NY Times, looks at replacing TV with a laptop. It discusses giving up the conventional media for a newer one and implies that it is a easier way to watch network programming.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Returning ...

Returning to school after a long hiatus is not easy.. don't get me wrong .. it is exciting and challenging, but definitely not easy.